What’s Next and Looking Back at 5 Years of Kate’s Take

Kate Erickson Dumas
7 min readJan 6, 2020

If you’re like me, you’re definitely embracing the New Year and ready to do BIG things over the next 3, 6, 9 months!

A few episodes ago we reviewed how to plan your goals for the new year, and if there’s one topic I love covering, it’s goals.

You may have experienced my love for goals first-hand by tuning in to Season 1 on my podcast Kate’s Take. This is a great resource if you’re looking to set and accomplish a BIG goal.

Celebrating 5 Years of Kate’s Take

I’m sharing this content with so many emotions, and while I’m so excited to share what’s next for me, I’m also taking a deep breathe to appreciate what we’ve shared together over the past 5 years on Kate’s Take.

  • Over 300 episodes,
  • 7 seasons of focused content,
  • A lot of format and frequency changes, and
  • Some really fun conversations with YOU on how you’re making BIG moves in your life and business.

But today — you’re reading the content from the last traditional episode of Kate’s Take I’ll be recording.

I’m going to be sharing exactly how I came to this incredibly tough decision throughout this post (and the episode that accompanies it).

Heads up: it has A LOT to do with goals and time management.

That said, I’m not leaving the podcasting space. But more on that in a few… :)

Why I launched Kate’s Take

When I launched Kate’s Take over 5 years ago — in Aug 2014 — I did it against a lot of negative voices in my head.

Voices that were telling me I was about to embarrass myself.

Voices that were telling me I didn’t have enough knowledge or value to share.

Voices that were telling me no one was going to tune in…

But I did it anyway.

And I did it anyway because I knew the thing that scared me the most — launching a podcast and putting my voice out there — was going to become one of my biggest growth opportunities ever.

Launching Kate’s Take has been that and so much more for me.

Launching Kate’s Take has helped me realize so many things…

  • How big a voice I have.
  • How much value I have to teach.
  • How much inspiration I’m capable of sharing.
  • How many ideas I have that I love expressing.
  • How amazing of a connection I’ve been able to create with so many of you, my Kate’s Take listeners.

I’ve spoken on stages because of my podcast.

I’ve found my zone of genius because of my podcast.

I’ve become a better speaker, listener, writer, entrepreneur, leader, teacher, and podcaster because of my podcast.

I owe a massive thank you to YOU for helping me realize and become better at all of these things.

My last traditional episode on Kate’s Take

So how could it be that I’m recording the last traditional episode of Kate’s Take if it has done so much for me — and for you?

When I launched Kate’s Take my BIG goal was to overcome several of my limiting beliefs, mainly overcoming my fear of putting myself out there and sharing my voice.

I’m so happy and grateful to say with 110% certainty, I’ve accomplished that goal.

This is not to say I don’t still have work to do. I’m constantly aware of and working towards overcoming other limiting beliefs, and I still to this day put time, energy, and effort into becoming better at how I put myself out there and share my voice.

I’m constantly pushing myself outside of my comfort zone — despite those negative voices — and I hope that through listening to Kate’s Take and being on this journey with me you’re doing the same.

That was another one of my BIG goals with the podcast: to help inspire you, my Kate’s Take listeners, to think BIG. To understand that YOU get to choose, and the decisions you’re making today — right now — are helping share your future.

But the reason this is the last traditional episode I’m recording is not just because I accomplished my BIG goal of overcoming one of my biggest limiting beliefs.

Throughout the past 5 years I’ve set many more BIG goals with the podcast — and many of those I have not accomplished.

One example: I set a goal back in 2016 to reach 30,000 downloads per month with the podcast — a goal I was never able to accomplish.

My best download month was just over 22,000 downloads, and that’s something I’m really proud of.

But the reason this is the last traditional episode I’m recording is not because of missing some of my goals, either.

Evaluating what you can commit to

As I continue to set new, BIG goals for myself, I’m constantly evaluating the time I have available, something I encourage each of you to do as well.

Because while it’s great to come up with new BIG goals, many times we’re doing this without evaluating what we’re actually able to commit to, and as a result, we become overwhelmed.

That’s a huge lesson I’ve learned from Kate’s Take as well: the BIG goals you set require different amounts of time investments, and a what’s a BIG goal without requiring a BIG commitment?

When I set that goal to hit 30,000 downloads per month on the Kate’s Take podcast, I did it without evaluating what that was going to require — more time, more marketing, more focus.

And looking back it’s very clear to me why I wasn’t able to hit that goal: at the time, I didn’t have more time or bandwidth to give base don my other commitments, and that was reflected back to me when — instead of my download numbers increasing — they started decreasing.

So be sure as you’re setting those new, BIG goals you’re also taking the time to evaluate your current responsibilities, and to fully commit to what it’s going to take to help you get there.

What’s Next

As I do this for myself — looking ahead at what’s next — I realize my goals in 2020 don’t afford me the bandwidth and the time to make the commitment required to continue bringing you valuable content each week on the Kate’s Take podcast.

I shared some of the goals I’m working on right now with you in episode 248: Projects I’m Working On, but to recap a couple of those with you here, one of my BIG goals in 2020 has to do with our podcasting community, Podcasters’ Paradise.

Podcasters’ Paradise improvements

I’m on a mission to double the number of new members we welcome in each month.

To accomplish this, I’ve created several micro-goals, including learning Facebook ads, redesigning the Podcasters’ Paradise website, and continuing to evaluate content updates and adding new resources to the membership — something we put into focus BIG TIME in 2019.

Introducing, Ditch Busy

Another one of my BIG goals brings me back to what I shared at the beginning of this episode: I’m definitely not leaving the podcasting space.

In fact, I’ve just submitted my RSS feed to Apple Podcasts for a brand new podcast that — if you love Kate’s Take — you’re definitely going to want to check out :)

It’s called Ditch Busy, and the main focus is helping you make overwhelm a thing of the past.

I came up with the idea to start Ditch Busy after realizing that I was ready for a new challenge — a next level of sharing ideas and encouraging you to think about your most precious resource — time — in a new way.

The content will focus on helping you gain back control of your time by presenting a new idea or tip in every episode.

I’ve always done my best to keep things on Kate’s Take brief, but sometimes the topics at hand required deep dives, multiple steps, and in many cases — huge shifts, like creating systems in your business.

Systems and the behind-the-scenes of how we run our business — these are still huge passions of mine — and I have no plans of stopping that information sharing with you.

You’ll be able to get that deep dive and behind-the-scenes from our monthly income reports, in addition to the incredible library of episodes we’ve already created together that will be available to you any time on the Kate’s Take podcast feed.

With Ditch Busy I’ll be bringing you a new episode twice per week — every Monday and every Thursday — and I’ll be using a series format: a deep dive over 8–10 episodes that focuses on a single topic.

Each episode will be under 10 minutes, and again, the content within each episode will focus on a new idea or tip to help you make overwhelm a thing of the past.

Always remember, you get to choose!

So as we celebrate everything we’ve been through together over the past 5 years — our growth opportunities, learning opportunities, and the opportunity we’ve shared to CHOOSE every single day how we are living our lives — I invite you to join me on this new journey to Ditch Busy.

It’s time to take back control of your time, and make overwhelm a thing of the past!

Of all the topics, strategies, and steps we’ve covered together, there’s one thing waiting on the other side for each of us, and that is freedom.

I sincerely hope you’ll join me on this journey by subscribing to Ditch Busy so you’ll never miss an episode. And you can click here to tune in to the intro episode right now!

Thank you, Kate’s Take listeners, for being here with me — whether you’ve been listening for 2 weeks, 7 months, or for 5 years, I appreciate you. And I’m so excited for what’s ahead for all of us!

Originally published at https://www.eofire.com on January 6, 2020.



Kate Erickson Dumas
Kate Erickson Dumas

Written by Kate Erickson Dumas

Heartbeat at EOFire, an award winning podcast w/ John Lee Dumas. Host of Kate's Take & co-host of Nicole & Kate Can Relate. Goal: lifestyle freedom!

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