The top podcast directories you should be listed in
If you’re working towards launching your own podcast, awesome! We LOVE podcasting because it has done so much for us, our audience, and our business!
That’s why we’ve created loads of free resources to help YOU on your podcasting journey, including Free Podcast Course and The Podcast Masterclass.
But before John launched Entrepreneurs On Fire back in 2012, podcasts were just something we consumed.
Once John launched Entrepreneurs On Fire in September 2012, the tables turned.
From consuming podcasts to producing podcasts
Podcasts suddenly became much more than something we just consumed.
Entrepreneurs On Fire became a vehicle for learning and growth for John.
He was connecting with a successful and inspiring entrepreneur every day, and because of the podcast he was able to sit down and have a 30-minute chat with each of them about their entrepreneurial journey.
He learned about their wins, their failures, their ah-ha moments, and how they turned their ideas into success.
His #1 lesson learned from over 2,000 interviews with successful entrepreneurs: successful entrepreneurs know how to set and accomplish goals.
This led to the creation and launch of The Freedom Journal in 2016 — but more on that later.
Entrepreneurs On Fire wasn’t just a vehicle for learning and growth for John, but for his growing audience as well.
The podcast was being listened to by A LOT of people, and as a result, this learning and growth was passed on to our listeners, Fire Nation.
This helped us begin to create a ripple effect. The impact of the lessons learned from the podcast started extended to others’ businesses and podcasts. And as Fire Nation started sharing their own message with their own audience, an even more powerful impact was being created.
Together, with John’s learning and growth and Fire Nation’s learning and growth, a successful business was born.
From launching a podcast to running a successful business
Today Entrepreneurs On Fire is much more than just a podcast, (although our podcast is still credited with bringing in the highest number of engaged, qualified audience members.)
In terms of revenue, our podcast is just one of our top four revenue streams, which you can dive deeper into in our monthly income reports.
In addition to the podcast, we generate significant revenue from our online communities, our physical Journals (one of those being The Freedom Journal, which I mentioned earlier in this post), and our affiliate relationships.
So how the heck did John launch a podcast in 2012 and within months create an entire business around it?
Well, a lot of it had to do with visibility.
Key strategies for gaining visibility for your podcast
The podcasting space has changed a lot over the past 5–6 years. For starters, the space is a lot more crowded, making it more difficult to stand out.
However, there are key strategies we used back in 2012 that can still be used today to help with visibility, and one of the bigger strategies has to do with the podcast directories you’re listed in.
Top podcast directories you should be listed in
Submitting your podcast to iTunes (aka Apple Podcasts)
How to submit your podcast to iTunes
Submitting your podcast to Spotify
Spotify has teamed up with podcast hosting platforms to help you make submitting your podcast to Spotify as easy as the click of a button!
Check with your hosting company for specific instructions on how to submit your podcast to Spotify.
Submitting your podcast to Stitcher Radio
How to submit your podcast to Stitcher Radio
Submitting your podcast to Google Play
How to submit your podcast to Google Play
Submitting your podcast to Pandora
Pandora is currently in beta with podcasts, but be sure to keep your finger on the pulse! This will be a major directory and platform to be listed on once they open up to all podcasters.
Next steps for creating and launching your podcast
While the focus of this post is all about the top podcast directories you should be listed in, other key strategies for gaining visibility include guest podcasting, being an engaged member of groups and communities in your industry or niche, and being consistent.
If you’re ready to create and launch your podcast and want a complete guide to hold you accountable and make sure you don’t miss any of the critical setup steps, then check out The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days.
With exercises laid out for you every day, you not only have a built-in accountability partner, but also every step you need to take to go from idea to launch in just 50 days.
Originally published at on November 26, 2018.