The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days

Kate Erickson Dumas
18 min readJun 25, 2018

We are so excited to be sharing The Podcast Journal with you!

The Podcast Journal is a physical journal that will take you step-by-step from Idea to Launch in 50 Days.

This workbook style journal will give you specific exercises to follow each day, and before you know it, you’ll be ready to launch your own podcast!

Below is a collection of emails we’ve been sharing with our Podcast Journal interest list.

We’ve shared behind-the-scenes, live updates since the very beginning, and we hope that by pulling back the curtain and being transparent about the struggles, roadblocks, and the wins we’ve encountered along the way, that you’ll find the inspiration and guidance on your journey to creating a physical product.

Email 1: The Podcast Journal: Coming soon!

Heyo! and thanks for signing up to learn more about The Podcast Journal, one of our most recent (and most exciting) projects!

We’re hard at work finalizing the pages within The Podcast Journal, which will serve as your step-by-step guide for creating and launching your podcast: Idea to Launch in 50 Days.

We can’t wait to share more details about The Podcast Journal with you as we progress with the project, so thanks for joining us for a behind-the-scenes look!

A quick update on where we’re at right now:

We recently sent the content to our designer, and we can’t wait to get the layout back so we can dive into edits, work on the design of the overall Journal, and eventually send it off to print so we can get our first hardcover copy in the mail :)

What exactly will The Podcast Journal provide?

Our goal with The Podcast Journal is to give you a step-by-step guide that will take you from idea to launch in 50 days.

No more guessing what step should come first, or which step is next — or heck, even feeling like you’ve missed a step!

With The Podcast Journal, you don’t have to worry about any of that.

All you have to do is trust the process, follow the prompts each day that are laid out for you, and you’ll be launching YOUR own podcast in 50 days or less.

Who are we to say?

My name Kate, and together with John, we’ve launched, grown and monetized our podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire, to the tune of over $150,000 net revenue — per month.

Entrepreneurs On Fire is not only an award-winning Podcast where John interviews today’s most successful Entrepreneurs 7 days a week, its also about to hit 2,000 episodes and generates over 1.5 million monthly listens.

Our entire business started with Entrepreneurs On Fire the podcast, so we know a thing or two about going from idea to launch (and beyond!), and in The Podcast Journal we’re going to take you through the exact steps we’ve followed to launch our own podcast.

We’ve also helped others launch their own podcast through our online community, Podcasters’ Paradise, so this system has not only worked for us, but for thousands of others as well.

Stay tuned for more details — and some exciting updates — coming your way!

Until then, IGNITE!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 2: And so it begins!

In our first email to you about The Podcast Journal we shared that we’ve sent the draft content off to be laid out — we can’t wait to get it back so we can start the editing process!

In the meantime, we’ve been checking out different cover options for The Podcast Journal.

We’ve had loads of questions for Richie from Prouduct, who also helped us with sourcing materials and producing The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal.

Our biggest question right now is wondering whether it should be hardcover or softcover, so we’re pricing out different options and will keep you updated as we come closer to a final decision!

Thanks again for coming along on this journey to creating The Podcast Journal. We can’t wait for you to see it come to life with us!


~ JLD & Kate

Email 3: How many journals?


Remember in our last email I shared that I had been chatting with Richie from Prouduct about sourcing options and doing a hardcover vs. a softcover?

Well during that chat with Richie he came up with loads of other questions I hadn’t really taken much time to consider.

I share this with you now because it’s so critical to have other people on your team who you’re communicating with throughout big projects like this one because it’s easy to forget about some pretty major decisions when you’re trying to focus on so many different moving pieces.

So what were some other questions Richie came up with?

Well, when I type them out you’ll probably think, “Of course! That’s like one of the first things you should think of!”

…I said the same thing after Richie asked me.

“What quantity are you thinking of?”

“What budget did you have in mind?”

See, pretty simple questions, right? But I honestly hadn’t taken a ton of time to consider these numbers in depth, and so that’s where we’re at right now: trying to figure out what quantity we want to start with and try to get that within our budget.

When we produced The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal we started with 10,000 copies each, but these two Journals are much broader in scope.

With The Podcast Journal being a lot more niche, we’re considering starting with 5,000.

We’ll keep you posted on that, so stay tuned!


~ JLD & Kate

Email 4: What do you think?

Thanks again for joining us on this journey to creating The Podcast Journal!

But enough about us and the behind-the-scenes here!…

What do YOU think about the whole idea of The Podcast Journal?

We’d LOVE to hear your feedback, recommendations, and everything in between… even if it’s just hitting reply to say hello :)

Chat soon!


~ JLD & Kate

Email 5: We’re sooooooo close!


Fun update today: not only do we have our first version layout back, but we’re also sooooo close to choosing a material for The Podcast Journal cover!

You might be thinking, wait:

Why is that fun?

And also:

Why does that even matter?

Well, when you’ve spent weeks — even months — putting together content, laying it out and formatting, researching cover options, thinking about a design, and trying to get all of those moving pieces to come together, it’s exciting!

Seeing the layout for the first time, and having gone back and forth with Richie about 30 times thus far JUST on cover options… to know that things are in place and we’re closing in on our final cover choice feels great.

Want a peek at some of those communications with Richie about the cover?

The reason I’d love to share this with you is because this is real stuff. It’s not edited, it’s not prettied up, and it’s not pretend.

This is what it actually looks like to create a physical product — this one single aspect I’m sharing with you today (cover options) sits among 20-something other simultaneous tasks, and to keep them all straight (and all moving) takes a lot of time and patience.

But it’s SO WORTH IT, because the materials you use are important — how people feel when they see your Journal, how they react when they hold it in their hands, and what they think when they open it up every day to use it is all a part of the brand.

And how your products, services, engagement — your overall brand — make people feel is critical.

So here’s a look at some of the back and forth we’ve been doing with Richie so you can see the buildup to us getting to where we are right now (with 4 final options).

So as you can see — by the dates, the details, and the back and forth — choosing a cover isn’t a super quick or easy thing to do. But when you keep the conversation going, and have good examples to use, things will come together.

Next time we send out an update we’ll share a sneak peek of the first version layout with you so you can get a good idea of what The Podcast Journal will actually look like inside!

Keep an eye out, and until then, IGNITE!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 6: First version layout is in!


In our last update we shared a little back-and-forth with you between us and our product guru, Richie Norton (he’s the one helping us physically create this journal.)

As our communications kept on rolling with Richie last week, we got another exciting email: it was from our designer, Brandy.

Inside her most recent email, Brandy shared V1 (version 1) of The Podcast Journal: wooo hhhooo!

I couldn’t even help myself (and this is Kate by the way — you’ll figure that out shortly when you see my purple keyboard and matching mouse pad): first thing I did was print it out and start going through it with a critical eye…

I can’t wait to get through all 50 days and send it back to Brandy for round II!

But I want to share something with you in today’s email: it might kind of seem like things are going super smooth with The Podcast Journal, right?

Well, I’ll be honest: last week we received some news that really threw me off. Our editor (same one we used for The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal) said she couldn’t work on The Podcast Journal project due to her current work load.

You know when you work with someone a lot, and you trust them and you know they’re going to do the job RIGHT?

That’s how I feel about our editor.

So while I typically wouldn’t be the one making these types of comments and edits, I find myself in a unique position this time around, and I’m stepping up and taking responsibility where I’m needed.

We’ll likely find an editor who can make a last pass at The Podcast Journal before it goes to print, but I thought it was important to share this snag with you, because not every project will go just how you want it to.

Sometimes you’ll be called to do things that you didn’t expect, but that are required to keep the project moving.

All of this said, I couldn’t be more excited to remain this close to The Podcast Journal throughout its creation, and I hope you’re just as pumped as I am to see the next version come in!

Chat soon!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 7: Editing The Podcast Journal

On January 22 I received the first version layout of The Podcast Journal from our designer, Brandy — I chatted about this in our last email update :)

I was so anxious to jump in and start my first pass at editing, and today, I’m here to share a little secret with you…

I underestimated that workload BIG time.

It actually took me until February 8 to email Brandy the final batch of my round 1 edits, nearly two week longer than I originally anticipated.

However, as with any project, it just means we have to rework our other deadlines to make sure we hit our final goal date.

Big time insider info alert: Our goal date coincides with a very special event: Podcast Movement…

YES! We’re going to be launching The Podcast Journal at Podcast Movement! :)

Wow, it feels REALLY amazing to ‘say that out loud’!

So as we adjust our future deadlines to make sure that happens, we’ll continue to keep you updated every step of the way!


~ Kate & John

p.s. Will you be attending Podcast Movement? If yes, be sure to use promo code FIRE for one of the biggest discounts available! No commissions for us — we’ve passed all the savings on to you :) Hope to see you in Philly!

Email 8: The Podcast Journal found its editor!

Hello my fellow podcasters! Kate again :)

In my last email I admitted a couple of things to you:

I way underestimated the time it would take me to do the first-round edits on The Podcast Journal, and I’m actually not an editor, so there’s that…

What’s super exciting about today’s update is that The Podcast Journal found an actual editor last week!

I mentioned a few updates ago that Whitney, who edited The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal for us, wasn’t available to help us with The Podcast Journal.

That was pretty crushing…

But instead of taking no for an answer, I emailed her back again and asked if she was positive she didn’t have any room in her schedule for us ;)

While she did end up confirming she couldn’t take on the project, she also gave me a recommendation for someone else she works with who also does editing.


I share this with you because there are two valuable lessons here:

  • Don’t give up too easily — even if someone says ‘no’, there might be something else that comes of it;
  • Don’t let frustration force a bad decision

I mention 2. above because I caught myself wondering what on earth I was going to do once I realized Whitney couldn’t take on the project. I was sort of in panic mode, and not much good comes from that place.

By taking a step back, something good did come from practicing patience and doing a little bit of follow up.

So we’re now waiting on the 2nd round of edits, and I can’t wait to check those out!

Simultaneously, I was able to reach back out to Richie this past week and get him a solid draft he could use to start doing some deep research for the materials and cover we’ll use.

Lots more updates to come, so stay tuned!

:) Kate

Email 9: The Podcast Journal is *almost* ready for print

Hello my fellow Podcasters!

Thanks again for signing up to learn more about The Podcast Journal (plus get behind-the-scenes updates no one else knows about!)

This week we’ve got a few updates to share that are VERY exciting.

1. I got to sit down with the team over at Prouduct

…in person, in San Diego a couple of weeks back! So refreshing to have a back-and-forth convo without having to hit ‘Reply to all’ =)

We looked at some great cover samples together, talked about additional options (like having a ribbon bookmark), and we even got into some of the super tiny details like: page weight. Fun stuff!

Seriously, I don’t know what we’d do without these guys…

2. Our cover options are in!

…and we’d LOVE your feedback!

We’ve decided to go with a soft faux leather cover for The Podcast Journal, mainly because unlike The Freedom Journal and The Mastery Journal (both hard faux leather) The Podcast Journal is a straight workbook.

So we want to make sure it’s bendy and flexible so you can grab it and go!

Thoughts? Hit reply and let us know!

3. Our final, FINAL draft is getting its finishing touches as I type!

…and I’m so anxious to send it on to the printer.

Our goal is to launch The Podcast Journal at Podcast Movement in July, and while that’s still a ways out, producing physical products is no joke… talk about the importance of time management!

We’ll get there, and we’re so happy you’re along on this journey with us!

Until next time, IGNITE!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 10: The Podcast Journal is at the printer!

Woah… today is an exciting day because John and I just submitted the FINAL draft of The Podcast Journal to the printer!


The Podcast Journal creation process, in some ways, seems like it flew by SO FAST, and in other ways, I kind of feel like we’ve been working on this project for A — G — E — S.

But that’s the beautiful thing about having a plan in place and a SMART goal to help keep you on track: we’re so close to the finish line, and we’re so excited for you to be able to check out The Podcast Journal once it’s available!

Our goal is to launch The Podcast Journal at Podcast Movement in Philly this July. So if you’ll be attending Podcast Movement, then you’ll be the FIRST to get your hands on a physical copy of the Journal.

Ready to go from idea to launch in 50 days with your own podcast? If yes, then we can’t wait to come along on this journey with you! :)

And if you’ll be attending Podcast Movement, be sure to use promo code FIRE for one of the biggest discounts available! No commissions for us — we’ve passed all the savings on to you :)

Whew! …I still can’t believe the final draft is in…


~ Kate & JLD

Email 11: Off to China!

This is a super exciting week for us and for The Podcast Journal because we’ve got Richie and co. on the ground in China to oversee production of the first hard copy (our sample) being made!

To say we’re anxious about receiving the first physical copy would be a huge understatement — and you’ll be the first to see pics once we do!

We also wanted to drop a few resources here for you just in case you’re in the midst of (or thinking about) publishing your own book.

These resources have been invaluable to us along the way (and some of them, we didn’t even know we needed!)

Prouduct: Sourcing & Solutions for your physical product! This is Richie’s team :)

Kindle Direct Publishing: Even though we didn’t use KDP for The Podcast Journal specifically, it’s an incredible resource to help you as you prepare to publish your own book!

DesignCrowd: Get the perfect custom design — every time! DesignCrowd is a sponsor for Entrepreneurs On Fire, and we’ve used them to help with designing everything from logos to book covers.

ISBN #’s + Barcodes: Sometimes you find out about things as they come up, and having an ISBN number and barcode were 2 of those things for us! Luckily, once we learned about these from self-publishing The Freedom Journal, we knew where to go and what to do.

Alright my fellow podcasters, stay tuned! Hopefully our next email will be us holding The Podcast Journal in our hands!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 12: The Podcast Journal: Richie is in China!

Hello my fellow Podcasters!

I’ve been super anxious to send you this email update on The Podcast Journal because we’re so close, and based on the incredible feedback I’ve received, you’re pretty anxious, too :)

So this week I received some pics and videos from Richie & team — all the way from China!

Here’s Richie holding the first printed pages of The Podcast Journal:

Richie also sent along a video while walking through the factory to show us a small part of the process…

I just received an email from Richie the other day, and he said the sample is being bound right now.

And great news: we’re on schedule to launch The Podcast Journal at Podcast Movement in July!

Stay tuned for more updates — you’ll be the first to hear once we receive the sample!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 13: The importance of asking for feedback

Hello my fellow Podcasters!

One of the most exciting things about creating a physical product is sharing it with those you’re creating it for.

This is why I CANNOT WAIT to be standing at Podcast Movement — hopefully next to YOU — while you’re holding The Podcast Journal :)

I feel this way for several reasons, but to name a couple:

  • There’s A LOT of hard work that goes into creating a product like this, and to actually see it in action is so special; and
  • I know how HUGE of an impact this Journal will have on those who commit to it.

But another VERY special moment in the process — before the physical copy is even available for anyone to hold — is when you start to get feedback.

I decided a couple of months back — during the creation process — to invite a few individuals to test out The Podcast Journal.

Essentially, I said “I’ll share the digital copy with you, if you commit to moving through it daily and providing feedback.”

Having test users (or beta users) is very valuable. You’re not only getting an initial reaction from your ideal “user” as to whether or not they think it’s a good idea, but you’re also getting real-time feedback and questions that can help you improve what it is you’re creating.

Today I want to share an email I received from one of those individuals.

Her name is Jackie, and she’s no stranger to the podcasting world.

In fact, Jackie already has a podcast she’s been rockin’ for some time called The Organic Gardener Podcast.

However, when Jackie heard about The Podcast Journal, she was super anxious to check it out for the upcoming launch of a new podcast she’s working on.

Here’s the email I received from Jackie a few days after sending her the digital copy of The Podcast Journal…

As you can imagine, we were THRILLED to receive this feedback from Jackie — not just because she literally says in the first line “I LOVE IT!”, but also because she’s finding it valuable not only for her upcoming (new) podcast, but also for her existing one!

If you’re currently working on a new service or product idea, I highly encourage you to reach out to your ideal user for that thing and do something similar.

It’s not just the actual feedback that can help with improvements and validation, but it’s also the language your avatar uses that can be incredibly helpful when crafting your marketing message.

Alright my fellow podcasters, we’re getting down to the wire over here… I just got word from Richie & co the other day that we should be receiving our physical sample copy VERY soon!

So we’ll chat soon, and until then, IGNITE!

~ Kate & JLD

Email 14: The first sample of The Podcast Journal is here!

My fellow podcasters, we have EXCITING NEWS: The first sample of The Podcast Journal has arrived!

Just yesterday we received our first sample copy of The Podcast Journal from Richie & Co in China!

As you know, we’ve been anticipating this day for months — we couldn’t wait to get the first physical copy in our hands.

I saw the FedEx truck pull up, and I knew what was in that box…

My heart was beating SUPER fast as John and I opened the box together in the kitchen.

Then, before 2 seconds had passed we looked at one another and said “this isn’t going to work.”


I know… it was huge shock to me, too.

After close inspection, we found that 99% of the Journal looked perfect.

The page quality is super high; the binding is ah-mazing; the detailed stitching and the ink… all GREAT!

Check it out for yourself…

Unfortunately, the 1% that wasn’t perfect is arguably the most important part: the cover.

We sent Richie & Co a note immediately, and they agreed: the cover just wasn’t legible enough the way it was stamped.

You can imagine the panic in my mind…

But after chatting with Richie and researching different options, we were quickly able to come up with a great alternative: instead of just stamping the cover, they’d see about treating it with a color so that it wasn’t just an indent, but a colored indent.

As you can see, the difference is striking: the original sample cover we just received is on the bottom, and the newer alternative is on top…

Creating a physical product is TOUGH.

Around every corner there’s another major decision to be made, and in between all these major decisions are those pesky little doubts that creep into your mind about the timing, the finished product, and the reaction you’ll get when you share it with others.

That’s why it’s SO CRITICAL to have a team in place to help support you on your journey, like Richie and his team over at Prouduct.

My fellow podcasters, THANK YOU for coming along on this journey with us. We so appreciate your support and feedback!

Our next update?… Hopefully one that confirms our final sample and a shipment!


~ Kate & JLD

Be sure to sign up for LIVE email updates and be the first to hear when The Podcast Journal is available! It’s all happening over at!

Originally published at on June 25, 2018.



Kate Erickson Dumas
Kate Erickson Dumas

Written by Kate Erickson Dumas

Heartbeat at EOFire, an award winning podcast w/ John Lee Dumas. Host of Kate's Take & co-host of Nicole & Kate Can Relate. Goal: lifestyle freedom!

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